Holy Orders

Those admitted to the Sacrament of Holy Orders serve the church as bishops, priests and deacons. The vocation to Holy Orders is understood to be a call from God himself. A man who believes he may have a vocation to serve the church in Holy Orders is encouraged to present himself to the church in order that the church may assist him in the process of discernment, provide the necessary formation, and finally, God willing, ordain that individual.

Candidates for ordination to the diaconate are admitted to a part-time formation process lasting four years. Candidates for ordination to the presbyterate (diocesan priesthood) are admitted to a full-time formation process lasting four years. (Several prerequisites are required, and thus the process of formation may be longer [five to eight years] for those lacking the necessary prerequisites.)  Candidates for ordination to the episcopacy (bishop) are chosen from among priests.

If you believe that God may be calling you or someone you know to service in the church as a bishop, priest, or deacon, please contact Father John Klockeman, Deacon Rick Witucki, the Archdiocesan Vocation Office or the Archdiocesan Center for the Diaconate (e-mail: