
Music in the Liturgy

Sacred music is “that which, being created for the celebration of divine worship, is endowed with a certain holy sincerity of form,” according to the Sacred Congregation of Rites in its Instruction on Music and the Liturgy, Musicam sacram (1967, ¶4)

The music that serves the Mass at St. Bartholomew comes from a wide variety of sources and is expressed in a wide variety of styles – Gregorian chant, sturdy hymn, unaccompanied choral motet, African American spiritual, and contemporary songs of praise. It is music that invites the worshiper into an encounter with the living God. 

Our music ministry is made of a dedicated group of adult singers who help lead the two liturgies on Sunday morning and all the major feasts of the church year.  These singers are augmented by our instrumental ensemble. The Saturday liturgy is typically led by a cantor.


The St. Bartholomew music ministry has produced three recordings since 1997.  The most recent of these recordings is Child of Wonder, Love in Flesh: A Festival of Lessons and Carols which was recorded in 2012.  There are two earlier recordings, Seaons of Grace: A Celebration of the Liturgical Year (recorded in 2008) and Singing a New Church (recorded in 1997).  There are copies of each of these recordings available for purchase by contacting the Parish Office952/473-6601.